Aufgabe: Erkennst Du die biblischen Bezüge?
The Guilt of Prejudice
Forgive me, Lord! For in my pride,
I scorn´d the Ethiop´s race;
And thought they were too darkly dy´d
To have a brother´s place.
And when the bondman wept and cried, –
„Help! Help! Thy brother save!“ –
„Peace! Wretched one!“ I sharp replied:
„God made thee thus a slave.“
Thus, from the image of my God,
The offspring of his breath,
The object of a Savoiur´s love,
The purchase of his death.
I turned away; and proudly pray´d,
„I thank thee, God of grace!
That I of better earth was made,
Than Ham´s accursed race.“
O Lord! My pride I now confess,
With shame, before thy feet;
I´ll vanquish all my haughtiness,
And take the lowest seat.
No more the injur´d slave shall pine,
While non his sorrows move;
His wounds I´ll soothe with oil and wine,
His aching heart with love.
(Aus: Edwin F. Hatfield: Freedoms Lyre, New York 1840; Lied Nr. 76 – ohne Vf. )
Strophe 3: Genesis 1 und Genesis 2 und die neutestamentlichen Passionsgeschichten.
Strophe 4: Lukas 18,9ff. (Gleichnis vom Pharisäer und Zöllner) und Genesis 9.
Strophe 5: Lukas 14,7-14 (Gleichnis vom Gastmahl)
Strophe 6: Lukas 10,25ff (Barmherziger Samariter)